Monday 6 March 2017

Sket trailer analysis

The narrative of the trailer is clear through the portrayal of the characters and the location of the scenes shown. We can see that it involves the idea of 'Sisterhood". When the 'new girls' sister is murdered, she goes after the murdered with her new gang of girl friends, they are involved in a lot of crime in the urban areas of London and this helps to set the scene for what to expect in the film

I previously mentioned that the film was made to uncover the life of London's urban areas which is unknown to the rest of the UK, and as soon as the trailer begins and we see establishing shots it is clear that this is the case. In this shot we can see youths sitting around on the streets and being interrogating to someone waking by. This fits in with the stereotype many people would have and already makes the viewer assume how the film will play out.

The music is sharp and quick which keeps up with the initial quickness of the trailer. There are short clips seen during the first section of the trailer which immediately grabs attention. It is effective in showing why the film was made because it allows us as the audience to understand why we would want to engage with the film. We can see immediately the fast pace of the film is sure to keep us focussed and really understand their adaption of the life within London streets.

Overall, i think the trailer is accurate to how the characters are portrayed in the full film and does help give a glimpse as to why the film was made. This will have been because it brings attention to the urban areas of London and allows those who live there to feel relatable by the audience. It is also an interesting chance for other areas of the UK to see this lifestyle and how it contrasts.

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