Friday 3 March 2017

Anonymous outline script

Anonymous Trailer Script

[Whilst pictures of families are on the screen]

Voice-over Actor: He’s real…No-one knows his knows where he has come from…he’s anonymous...

[at dinner with friends]

Friend #1: i cant believe you have finally moved in1
Annabelle: Yeah i know, it is such a nice house, theres just... something not right about it.

[Voice mail from friend]

Friend 1: Annabelle, theres someone there, in the house, please call me back!

[On the phone to her mum]

Mum: Annabelle stop being so worried, you’re just scaring yourself. You’re in a big house on your own of course if you listen to all of these stories you’re going to get worried.
Annabelle: Please mum I couldn’t make this up, I keep seeing a man outside my window and I’m starting to wonder whether he is real or it’s in my imagination.
Mum: Look, I will do some research on the area as best as I can but I can’t promise that I will find anything.

[End scene of man on bike]

Voiceover Actor: [over the top of the end scene] ...once you see him you can’t get rid of him, he will hunt you down and you will never see your family again.

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