Monday 6 March 2017

Me before you trailer analysis

The trailer for Me Before you was released by Warner Bros. pictures. It was clear from the offset that it was based on a romance novel. The trailer stars Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin. These are two established actors who have worked in series such as The hunger Games and Game of thrones.

As i had previously mentioned in my initial analysis as to why the film was made, it has bought up many issues surrounding disabilities and has meant advocates have spoken against the film. The trailer highlights that this is the reason it has been made by including long shots of the main actor in a wheelchair like the one below. We are drawn to his disability through the use of camera angles. 

Also camera angles in a trailer are only a glimpse into what we expect to see throughout the rest of the film, therefore we rely on these to give away how the characters are portrayed, we see a wide range of angles and lighting which signify he is very depressed and lonely. H is often seen in a mid shot by himself which makes him stand out as lonesome. 

I believe the trailer has portrayed why the film was made because it is now clear that it has shone a light on disability and different areas of the trailer have done this. When the trailer was initially released many were curious as to how the plot would play out, this makes it succesful.

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