Wednesday 5 October 2016

Why was 'Sket' made?

Sket is another film which fits into the category of capturing society’s underworld, in this films case that society is in London. The film displays another dimension of everyday life tat is uncommonly seen by the rest of England. This type of living is still quite apparent to those aware of it making the film intriguing to watch.

By reading statements released by the director, I can see that the reason for creating a film is to raise awareness to the growth of female gangs and what their lives may be like.

Nirpal Bhogal, the film’s director, explains his reasons for working on this project in the press pack for the film:
"There is a distinct lack of public knowledge about female gang culture, which results in a high level of fascination – yet not one film has dared to explore it – until now.
I met with various members of male and female gangs in order to learn why young women were now, more than ever, adopting aggressive male behaviour. The more I immersed myself in their ideologies the more I realised that their shift in behaviour could be explained as progressive adaptation, a theme that is at the very heart of ‘Sket’: society is changing, and girls and women must change with it in order to survive."
From reading this, it is clear that the director had a clear vision on how he wanted the film to be interpreted by its viewers. It shines a light on the different areas of life in London that are unseen by most people. This coverage shown in the film gives it an exciting edge.

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