Wednesday 5 October 2016

Why was 'Me before you' made?

"Me before you" follows a tragic storyline seen in a few major films that have become popular films. The film me before you portrays a disabled man who has a live in carer. This film has given an insight of what its like to live with a disability and the daily struggles and unhappiness it can bring. However, it has been seen to glamorize the reality, this has caused a backlash from viewers as the man choses euthanasia over living as a quadriplegic. The film has caused controversy and has brought the topic to light in the media
The director of the film released a statement, She adds, “This is a brave ending. It’s too easy to do it the other way. We could all tell that story tomorrow. But this way… this is the more interesting way.”
But “more interesting” has also resulted in an outcry from disability advocacy groups offended the main character would take his life rather than live as a quadriplegic.
By creating a film with controversy such as this, the producers has allowed the topic to be brought up for discussion.
Another statement released shows that the film was made to be a tear jerker an provoke reaction from people.  Despite the mixed reaction to the movie, the fact that people are out there talking about it and sharing it is an accomplishment to her.
“There is something wonderful about knowing that the person next to you is also bawling their eyes out and you’re sharing that with them,” says Sharrock. “I think that’s a hugely cathartic thing. That side of it, I’m really proud of.”
This is clearly a reason as to why the film was made as it has meant people can share views on such a controversial topic.

Interview found on-

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