Monday 28 November 2016

Character profile

There are certain aspects of classic horror characters that will be eminent in our trailer. We have looked into conventions of different characters in order to see what personality traits we can portray onto our victims.
Firstly, our character Annabelle will be of the age range of our target audience, this is because we want them to feel engaged throughout and keep the attention of them. Also, by having a young girl as the main character it will be appealing for both males and females to watch the film in the cinema. Another reason for having a female victim is that it is a convention of a horror film. They can easily be portrayed as vulnerable which means her personality will be conveyed as on edge. This is an important personality trait as it means when she jumps the audience in then will also be scared. This can build on the suspense in the trailer.
Within our film trailer, we decided that Annabelle would be a protagonist which means she herself will experience the horror of the anonymous figure at first hand. She has been terrifiably caught up in events that's are beyond her control, which then lead on to show her personality as anxious and scared.
As our film plot is victim narrated, the female character is at the heart of the entire plot, we get to see her change from a relatively happy and content person to a petrified and unsettled victim of an unknown figure lurking in her new home. This is a modern twise we have added to our plot in order to see it defy the usual conventions. Annabelle faces the horror character by herself which isn't usually seen in most horrors. A convention would be a female character being saved, however, we are glad to add a different twist and challenge usual conventions of a male hero. Annabelle manages to locate the source of horror being inflicted on her home without the aid of a male making this a strong statement of her character.

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