Monday 28 November 2016

Change of film idea

We decided as a group that we needed to listen to our audience feedback. It's difficult for us to decide on a new direction from the work we've put into the first plot,  however, we decided in order to get the best result and make the best trailer we can,  we are now doing to switch to a horror genre and a different storyline.
By doing this, we are maximising our audiences feedback and we can incorporate a more thrilling plot to engage them.
We decided to look into horror films and use different conventions that can in turn create a more thrilling experience. If we did not listen to our audiences feedback we'd struggle to find a good place in the market of film. When we compared feedback for both plot lines we saw that the second plot line was a lot more popular for those in the age group of 15-25. Also, if the target audience is more drawn to the horror genre then immediately we are likely to sell more tickets and create a more creative film.
We noticed that by doing a horror film we could use different lighting and camera angles. We can shoot parts of the trailer in different natural lightings whilst also using a spotlight to highlight certain parts of the scene. Also, the acting can be more dynamic and we can adapt the way the acting is done to create an eerie and unknowing feel.
I am excited and apprehensive to start filming the new idea as I feel the direction of this plot is a lot more clear and precise to what we want the film to be.

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