Monday 26 September 2016


The film is based in the UK and shows a side to British culture not always explored in the media industry. It is appealing to a British middle class audience. The film uses London as a setting and undiscovered British actors. The use of unknown actors gives a sense of reality to the plot line and takes away from the glamorous movie-making side that Hollywood may portray. 

The plot of the film is a young women who is attacked by a notorious gang led by the violent leader named Trey. When she is attacked, her younger sister Kayla is out to get revenge on the group. She joins a rival group with the damaged and man-hating leader Danielle. They vow to take revenge on their rival gang. Kayla ends up sleeping rough on the streets until she gets to join the tough all girl gang. She gains membership and is introduced to their ways of crime and violence as a way of surviving.

The tagline for the film is "Mans World, Sisters hood." This mean that from the begining the film had a clear aim at who the audience was and what they wanted the film to be seen as. It also meant that their target audience was reached.

The film was directed by Nirpal Bhogal. The production company ranged from different organisations such as Gunslinger, Gateway Films and Creativity media. The distribution companies were 21st century pictures, Kock media, one2see movies, resolver entertainment and Sunfilm entertainment.

The film starred actors such as Lily Loveless, Riann Steele, Aime Kelly, Emmal Hartley-Miller,Adeleyo Adeyo, Varada Sethu, Rich Campbell and Katie Foster-Barnes. 
The films budget was set at 1 million. They made £227,283. This meant the total gross lost of the film from the box office was £772,717.
The film was made available on YouTube, DVD and Netflix. They also produced Blu-ray editions to boost sales. 

The camera used to film was a digital camera. It is a Arri Alexa and was estimated to cost around £40000 and £60000 to film with. 
The film Genre is hard to define individually and therefore the film is classified under Crime Fiction and Thriller.

Monday 12 September 2016

For a new start, in A2 I will be building on the work I did at AS Level and look more fully at the contexts of media production and consumption. The focus will be on why as well as how texts are created. I will be approaching texts more critically and looking in more detail at the work of key media.