Sunday 16 April 2017

Evaluation Question 4) How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

There is a range of different technologies available that has allowed me to be able to create and publish my promotional package.

Blogger has been a great use to me as it is a free online platform that meant I could upload research and planning, whilst also being able to publish my poster, magazine and film cover. Blogger also meant that I was able to have a digital/ online presence which was useful in communicating ideas and during the production process.

I used Google to research the different methods there are in creating a horror film trailer, magazine and poster. This helped me to get a better idea of what the audience look for and the general conventions of this genre. When researching, it was important for me to find other film trailers that are in the same genre and analyse the elements that are similar and differ. I also used Internet Explorer to research different aspects related to the psychological horror films. Doing this helped me with the planning and development stages of the entire promotional packaged. By searching key terms such as horror poster/magazine or trailer on Google images, I soon realised that I was able to find and identify the key conventions of a horror poster and allows these to help me form my own idea of what I thought was necessary to include in my own ancillary tasks and what was not.

YouTube was another research tool, which helped me study existing trailers in the horror film genre. When researching the full genre of horror I looked at many different trailers from Hollywood produced films to independent ones. When we chose the type of trailer we wanted to do YouTube was very useful to find trailers and get information on what makes a good horror trailer. It also helped me to develop an understanding of sounds. We realised once we started putting together our trailer that looking back over the soundtrack made a huge effect on how effective it was. When we began to add suspense music which we found on sites such as YouTube, we realised they actually played a bigger role then what we first imagined. I personally studied music associated with horror trailers using YouTube as I found this formed a basic idea, which we could then construct and personalise to our own requirements. Without sites such as YouTube I would have struggled to have a point of reference throughout the making process of my Film Trailer.

In the planning stages of our film we used Prezi to our storyboard and find out what the main story line of our trailer would be. This was effective in the way that Prezi allows you to add different images and effects to it, so it was easy to make our pitch horror themed and build tension. We could easily insert a stream of pictures to our Prezi early on in the filming process, as we knew this was necessary in building our foundation ideas of the trailer. I also found Prezi useful when it came to showing how I had researched different conventions of the horror genre. By having an animated way of conveying my ideas, I felt encouraged to constantly improve and look more formally at the different conventions.

To take the footage we had and edit it we had to look at software, which allowed us to do so. Although our school offers serif programmes as editing software, we opted to use iMovie as I have it readily available on my laptop and phone. This was also more familiar software, which I have used previously to edit feedback videos etc. iMovie allowed us to cut the scenes down to a perfect time, to re-order them and add sound, giving us the trailer that we had planned. One of the most interesting parts of editing the trailer was using software, which had all the functions we needed and ones we were more unfamiliar with. IMovie definitely allowed us to construct the trailer we had imagined whilst also allowing us to add effects we did not think we had access too. I used effects from IMovie such as ‘Fade to black’ that meant transitioning between clips could be slower and more intense during the beginning section. As well as this, we could insert music files and sound effects, which were saved on a USB stick or available on the iMovie software. The other advantages of this software were that we were able to use settings such as colour corrections and brightness of some of the clips. It was difficult for us to get the lighting right to film in the dark for some of the scenes as our camera quality was limited, however, by using the clip effect labelled ‘Night to Day’ we could adjust accordingly the colour of the background within the clip. This added eeriness to some of the scenes we originally found unusable.
There were then more obvious uses, which the system has such as adding subtitles and film titles, which were animated. These are all new skills that I learnt through the process of editing the trailer.
Comparing my skills from the start of the year to the end I would say that my knowledge of the software has got better and as I used the programme more, I got used to the technology and became more confident with my editing skills. This allowed me to be more creative when I edited stages such as the montage.

For the filming of the product we used one camera and a microphone. The camera we used was a Sony NEX-5ER. We found this camera was useful as it had high quality and was easy to carry when we were filming in locations such as the woods. Unfortunately the sound quality was not as good as we had hoped but we insured that we used a microphone when possible. This was used for all the voiceovers in the trailer so that these had a clearer impact. Due to the camera being a photography camera as well, I also used this to take the photos of my magazine and poster. This gave the perfect picture quality and made the pictures look professional enough to go on my magazine.
The ancillary tasks photos had to be clear as they were going to be a selling point of the trailer. By having a camera with such high quality imagery, I was able to edit the magazines using an online application called ‘BeFunky’ whilst keeping the scary tone of the original photos.
I used a serif programme when editing work previously but found it limiting so I again decided to venture out and take advantage of software available to me on my laptop. This year I have used a lot of the elements on the Internet to create my magazine and poster, using a Photoshop application also allowed me to make my product original and unique.

For my evaluation questions I have used a number of different ways to present them. I have used Prezi to present two as I found it was the perfect presentation software. It is easy to navigate to the correct section and can be embedded into my blogger easily. I used my blog to present, which allows me to add pictures and videos easily through a YouTube link. I created a PowerPoint presentation with audio as I also felt this would be a more unique and interesting way of showing the evaluation questions. By creating videos and editing them together, I was able to be more creative in every stage of my project.

By using these different pieces of technology I was able to create the perfect film trailer for my genre and sub-genre. Doing the right amount of research and planning and the equipment used was a massive contribution to how well the film turned out.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Evaluation Question 1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Feedback for Final Trailer/ Magazine/ Poster

Above i have created a video to present the positive feedback that my group have received from making the trailer. We are pleased to hear these comments as they allow us to evaluate the trailer in better depth ourselves. We now understand the ideas of our target audience more thoroughly and can use these views to reflect on our trailers progression. We were able to meet the needs of our target audience by listening and taking the advice we have received previously in feedback.